To provide opportunities for advancement of scientific knowledge through basic and applied research, teaching as well as outreach activities. The centre seeks to fulfill its objectives in inter-institutional and intra –institutional collaboration in respect of expertise, academic resources and infrastructural facilities
Build an integrated knowledge base of demographic, socio-cultural, economic, political, physical and biological resource of tribes, especially of primitive tribes and tribal players
To conduct bench mark surveys right from the village level to build up a strong baseline primary data bank about the socio-cultural, education, health and nutrition, demographic, economic, political and cultural profile of the Scheduled Tribes of Chhattisgarh in inter-disciplinary perspective for the formulation of appropriate policies, programmes and strategies for sustainable development
Assessment of the dietary pattern, fermented foods and beverages and nutritional & health status and investigation of environmental, cultural, genetic and psychological risk factors that could explain development of various addictive and risk behaviors (such as tobacco and beverages) and diseases of the Tribes of Chhattisgarh
A survey and documentation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) (Traditional Knowledge and Folklore) of tribes of Chhattisgarh and Trade Related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) in order to formulate a proposal for access to benefit sharing (ABS)
Documentation and validation of Indigenous Technical knowledge, Indigenous Agricultural knowledge and Indigenous Medical knowledge of Tribes of Chhattisgarh along with biodiversity of the region
Assessment of nutritional, physiological and health status, body composition, somatotype and psychological characteristics of tribal players to suggest appropriate intervention for their maximum level of achievement in sports
To study cultural, environmental and biological diversity in association with diseases
To conduct research studies for documentation of the distinguishing characteristic features, the processes of social, cultural and economic change and development among tribals of the state and to serve as a center for providing data and advisory services to government and public sectors
There is also a need, throughout the state of Chhattisgarh, among community based database, programs, for an action-oriented research and evaluation approach to improve program implementation and to assess program impact
Cater to the informational needs of stakeholders by developing state-of-the-art documentation center, information exchange system, archives and a series of publications on themes relevant to sustainable development of tribes of Chhattisgarh
Organize national, regional and international seminars, workshops, training programmes, conferences in the thematic areas identified by the center from time to time
Reach out to the grass root people through digital India initiative platforms (SWAYAMPRABHA and e-ACHARYA etc) to enable and disseminate knowledge and empower them