Feedback Cell - About
Feedback is irrelevant: If our goal is merely to deliver the lecture!
Feedback is vital: If we wish the audience to Learn Effectively.
Why feedback?
While contriving and developing plans and strategies to enable effective progression of educational institutions on the road to quality enhancement, the IQAC felt an undeniable need for the assessment of the impacts of its various policy measures and the responses of the various stakeholders. A powerful system of quality enhancement thus developed in the form of a multi-cornered elaborate system of feedback, further increasing the strength and wisdom of the IQAC in the devising and implementation of quality assurance plans.
This system of feedback promotes recognised benefits for both imparters and recipients of education. To the faculty it provides information for course design and further development of teaching skills to match learning to learners’ needs. For the students it not only inculcates a feeling of being valued and 'listened' to, but also a feeling of ownership in their own learning. It further helps to develop reflective thinking among students and to be better informed in selecting a course/module besides maximising their learning. For all, it helps to enhance relationships and define roles and provide a 'positive' teacher/student partnership, which in turn has more chance of ensuring high quality teaching, thereby meeting learners' needs. It also helps in establishment of learning objectives and measurement of the extent to which they are met. A full account of student views, at every level is considered to ensure this. Students are duly assured that they are actively involved as partners to education policies and will not suffer for feedback. The process is taken seriously and something, if possible, will be put into action.
The Feedback cell
Through the Feedback Cell of the IQAC, the university has been acquiring feedbacks from its students since the year 2003. The present system is a five-way system comprising of feedbacks from students and stakeholders including (alumni, retired teachers, supporting staff and parents). For easy understanding of every student, the forms have been made available in both English and Hindi languages. Confidentiality is maintained by the use of codes in place of names to enable giving of bold and unhesitant feedback. The collected feedback are subsequently duly analysed and actions taken on the basis of suggestions made. All feedback inventories have already been digitized in the MS Access format. This format will be pressed into action and presented to the students through provision of secured user ID and password from this academic session onward. A workshop has been envisaged to train HoDs and OICs of the IQAC quality circle of each department.